Unlocking the joy of reading
Unlocking the joy of reading
Unlocking the joy of reading
The National Arts Council (NAC) has funded Tusitala and Jala to create SuperTales, a digital reader app that aims to revolutionise Singapore's literary scene. Geared towards young readers, the app features a vast library of interactive local stories in various languages and cultures.
The National Arts Council (NAC) has funded Tusitala and Jala to create SuperTales, a digital reader app that aims to revolutionise Singapore's literary scene. Geared towards young readers, the app features a vast library of interactive local stories in various languages and cultures.
The National Arts Council (NAC) has funded Tusitala and Jala to create SuperTales, a digital reader app that aims to revolutionise Singapore's literary scene. Geared towards young readers, the app features a vast library of interactive local stories in various languages and cultures.
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